

flexy pipes

Corrugated Pipes and Fittings have high flow performance, external load resistance, such as long working life, chemical resistance, easy maintenance, tightness besides many other features; has been serving with high quality understanding for many years. have high flow performance, external load resistance, such as long working life, chemical resistance, easy maintenance, tightness besides many other features; has been serving with high quality understanding for many years.

corrugated propertıes

Some Advantages Of Corrugated Pipes

Due to the polyethylene raw material’s molecular structure, Corrugated have a high degree of flexing capacity

Ability to withstand large soil and traffic loads because to the ribbed body structure.

Corrugated not distort and is compatible with ground motion like an earthquake or landslide.

Absorbs weights in the face of rapid shock loads before reforming. (The maximum permanent deformation permitted is 7.5%)

High impact and crack resistance are present.

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